Last week I had a pleasure experience on my first visit to the House of Illustration in King's Cross what is basically a museum for Illustration and they have from exhibitions to short courses.
House of Illustration is the UK’s only public gallery dedicated to illustration and the graphic arts, founded by Sir Quentin Blake and opened at the heart of King’s Cross in July 2014. They curate 10 innovative and ambitious exhibitions a year, amplified by a vibrant programme of talks and events, and run a pioneering learning programme for all ages delivered by professional illustrators.

As part of their learning programme, they run adult's sketch meetings from time to time and I went there to try it. The class goes from 7 pm to 9 pm and is hosted by Michael Czerwinski and a special Illustrator who is invited to run drawing activities at the day.
The activities are very funny and you don't need to be a professional illustrator to participate. Most of the people just came along to have some fun or came with the aim to start drawing again(my case). I don't have my papers anymore with the activities, but we had to draw each other, add feelings to stick man's, draw a collaborative comic story and much more! Every sketch meet has different activities, so If you are thinking in attending the next one, you will be surprised anyway.
All the material was donated by Windsor & Newton and there was free beer all night from Camden Town Brewery. I don't drink but for the ones who like beer it's a great deal as the ticket for the sketch meet costs only £5! So, 2 hours of free beer for only a fiver... well you do the maths!

To sum up, I'd say: go! Join the next sketch meet or visit the House of Illustration to see their exhibitions. It's quite small, so you can easily visit the exhibitions in 1 hour. It's a nice place to go if you are in King's Cross or nearby. If you go to the next sketch meet, It's nice if you invite a friend so you can have more fun doing the activities together.
2 Granary Square, King's Cross London N1C 4BH
020 3696 2020
Open 10:00 - 18:00 Tuesday - Sunday Closed Mondays
Thank you!
Agatha Vieira
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